Full HIFU, skin tightening & lifting, Face & Neck
HIFU stands for high-intensity focused ultrasound. This is a fairly new cosmetic treatment, which offers effective skin tightening. Many people are turning to HIFU as a painless and non-invasive alternative to facelifts. With this treatment, the production of collagen is encouraged through the use of ultrasound energy. This results in skin that is a lot firmer. You will be able to get that youthful, radiant, and slim-looking face you dream about without having to go under the knife.
HIFU has been used for aesthetic purposes for around a decade now. However, you may have heard of HIFU before because it has actually been used for tumor treatment. In 2009 it was approved by the FDA for brow lifts. A few years later, the FDA approved this treatment for improving wrinkles and lines of the neckline and upper chest. So, you can be sure that it is a safe and effective treatment.
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What To Consider Before A HIFU Treatment
There are a number of things you should do before the treatment in order to ensure the best possible results! We recommend avoiding sunless tanning and sun exposure for a week before the treatment. You must also stop taking all skin irritants on the area being treated. This includes the likes of Vitamin C, Differin, Triluma, Tazorac, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acids, and retinal products, like Retin A.
If you are taking any antibiotics, make sure your inform us during the consultation. We always start every treatment with a consultation, as this enables us to assess your skin and make their recommendations. It is also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have.
On the day of your treatment, it is good to arrive to your appointment early so that you can sign the consent form and take any pre-photos should you wish to. You should also make sure you do not wear any moisturizer or makeup on the day. However, if you forget about this, don’t worry, as we will have a cleanser in the office so you can remove the products before your treatment.
What Does The HIFU Treatment Involve?
There is no special preparation that is going to be required of you before you have your HIFU procedure, however, we advise that all skincare products and makeup are removed from the target area before you have the treatment, though.
The procedure is pretty straightforward and as it is delivered by highly knowledgeable and experienced clinicians, we are sure you will be delighted with the results. After your treatment is completed, we can also schedule you in for your next treatment should you need another one.
Here’s what you should expect from your appointment:
Am I The Right Candidate For A Treatment?
HIFU is highly effective, yet it could be that a different treatment is right for you. It all depends on the current condition of your skin and your skin goals. We are able to assess your skin and make expert recommendations on the right treatment for you.
HIFU is most effective on skin that has become somewhat loose, yet is not extremely loose. It can tighten skin, but it will not tighten skin that has sagged severely. The best thing to do is book a consultation with one of our experienced skin specialists who will be able to give you their expert advice on what treatment is going to be best for you.
With HIFU, the focused ultrasound energy will target the collagen in the skin’s deeper layers, heating it the point that it will contract and tighten. This heat will boost new elastin and collagen formation over the next few months. This is what will really tighten up the skin.
As you probably know, people respond in different ways to aesthetic treatments. This is why it is always best to see a professional and choose a clinic with care. This is something you don’t have to worry about